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Google Play HTC One M7 And One M8 Getting Android Lollipop Approval On Monday

Written By Info-Pc on Sunday, November 30, 2014 | 9:15 AM

Google Play HTC One M7 And One M8 Getting Android Lollipop Approval On Monday

A while back, HTC’s Google Play Editions for the One M7 and the One M8 seemed to be on the fast track for Android Lollipop update. According to Product VP over at HTC, Mo Versi, the One M7 and the One M8 would get Android Lollipop last week. But the update was then delayed due to Google instructing the Taiwanese manufacturer to Re-Spin the SW for HTC One M8 and One M7.

Android Lollipop Updates For HTC One M7 And One M8 To Receive Google’s TA By Monday.

All those who were let down by Google’s disapproval for HTC’s SW are in for some good news today. According to Mo Versi, the SW is with Google in its Quality Assurance lab. This is alongside several fixes to it. Also, according to Mr. Versi, the tech giant aims to provide Technical approval for Android Lollipop SW to HTC by Monday.

If Google does end up providing Technical Approval to HTC by Monday, then it won’t be long before users get to see over the air updates for Android Lollipop rolling out on their Google Play editions for the HTC One M8 and the HTC One M7.

If this is true, and things go according to plan, then the aforementioned devices will be one of the very first non-Nexus devices to receive Android Lollipop. So lets hope that this week is the last week HTC One M7 and One M8 GPe users will not be using Android Lollipop on their devices. That is, if they choose to update. But updating to Android Lollipop for any user able to do so should not be a matter of question really, since the software comes with a great host of performance, accessibility, privacy and data sharing features on board. Let us know what you think in the comments section.
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