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[Report] Denuvo DRM Solution Used in Lords of the Fallen and FIFA 15 Has Been Cracked

Written By Info-Pc on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 | 5:14 AM

[Report] Denuvo DRM Solution Used in Lords of the Fallen and FIFA 15 Has Been Cracked

After successfully preventing some latest next-gen video games like Lords of the Fallen, FIFA 15 and Dragon Age: Inquisition from getting cracked open by pirates for easy free-of-cost download on the internet, Denuvo Software’s anti-tamper DRM solution reminded us of the late StarForce digital rights management system, but not anymore. It looks like after months, the Denuvo DRM solution has finally been cracked, meaning that the games it protected will be available online in the near future.

Denuvo DRM Finally Circumvented – Cracks for Games Using the Solution Such as Lords of the Fallen and FIFA 15 Can Be Expected Soon

Denuvo’s anti-tamper DRM solution is apparently the most strong and successful digital rights management tool on the block right now. Aside all the claims and reports regarding the tool being responsible in degrading SSD’s lifespans and causing technical issues such as crashes and bugs in games, Denuvo DRM solution has favorably protected some latest game like Lords of the Fallen, FIFA 15 and Dragon Age: Inquisition from falling into the hands of pirates for months. However, it looks like all this fortitude has come to an end, as a group of key punchers claim they have finally been able to crack the system.

Now that 3DM, a group of Chinese hackers, have circumvented the Denuvo DRM solution, we can expect cracks of all the latest games that were protected by this system to start flooding the internet. A little wandering around tells CI Games and Deck13 Interactive’s Lords of the Fallen is already being pirated, and according to reports, the cracked game actually performs better than the original one protected by the Denuvo DRM solution. Piracy obviously sucks and is a headache for video game developers, but it clearly sucks even more when those who paid for a game are suffering with more in-game technical problems than pirates it due to DRM solutions.
Denuvo isn’t even actually a main DRM system for games, as according to the company itself, it is rather a DRM that protects authentic DRM solutions.

“Denuvo Anti-Tamper technology prevents the debugging, reverse engineering and changing of executable files to strengthen the security of games. It is not a DRM solution, but rather, Denuvo Anti-tamper protects DRM solutions, such as Origin Online Access or the Steam license management system, from being circumvented.”
“The license management from Steam or Origin grants legitimate consumers access to the game and our Anti-Tamper solution ensures that these DRM systems are not bypassed.”

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