Android 4.3 Permission Manager – for Some Hidden Features
The latest Android 4.3 is an incremental update with a number of enhancements and features. There are some features hidden under the layers though; just like multi user feature was in earlier Android versions.
Among these hidden features that we are talking about, is support for
the 4K displays. 4k displays, also known as UltraHD, gives a resolution
of 4096 x 2160 pixels. Though, smartphone
have yet to pack that many pixels, Android supporting ultraHD would
make developers capable of churning out programs that could take
advantages of these many pixels.
Another secret, and very useful feature is Permission Manager. Permission Manager will give you the handle of giving out permissions to apps. Right now, when you download any app, the app requires certain permissions. Instagram would ask you the permission to access your photos, location-based apps would need access to the GPS, and so on. But at times, certain permissions just don’t make any sense, like Facebook wanting to access your call logs being the case in point. Now we have no idea why exactly would Facebook want to have access to call logs, but well it does.
With Permission Manager in Android 4.3, you will have control over what permissions apps are allowed to have. You can tell any app to stop or give any permission. This latest feature is hidden under Android 4.3 and will be accessible to anyone using the latest Android.
Another secret, and very useful feature is Permission Manager. Permission Manager will give you the handle of giving out permissions to apps. Right now, when you download any app, the app requires certain permissions. Instagram would ask you the permission to access your photos, location-based apps would need access to the GPS, and so on. But at times, certain permissions just don’t make any sense, like Facebook wanting to access your call logs being the case in point. Now we have no idea why exactly would Facebook want to have access to call logs, but well it does.
With Permission Manager in Android 4.3, you will have control over what permissions apps are allowed to have. You can tell any app to stop or give any permission. This latest feature is hidden under Android 4.3 and will be accessible to anyone using the latest Android.
How to use Permission Manager in Android 4.3:
- First of all; update your device to Android 4.3.
- Once your Android device is up to date with Android 4.3, download Permission Manager app.
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